The surroundings of Lake Rohlík
The revitalisation of the surroundings of the lake that will preserve the natural atmosfere of the area will be made according to the study by Atrium architects and studios ART and LIVINARK.
The surroundings of Lake Rohlík are used by people in various forms all year round for short-term recreation, activities with children, relaxation, fishing and dog walking. The revitalisation will preserve all these functions while adding new street furniture and communication channels that are missing today. These can help in better use of the area, orientation in it and increase its safety. The project of revitalisation is designed by Atrium architects and studios ART and LIVINARK.
This project is part of the Bratislava Public Spaces Renewal Scheme – Vivid Spaces.

Memorial to the Victims of COVID-19
A memorial dedicated to the victims of COVID-19 will also be built in the area of Rohlík Lake. The concept of the memorial is created by Czech architect Radek Taláš who won the Art and architectural competition held in 2022.