It actively involves residents and relevant stakeholders through participatory processes in the city's plans and projects, whether it is the adaptation of public space, city investment projects or the development of strategies, concepts and policies.
The guiding principle of the participatory process is openness and a positive approach to involving people and organisations in the shaping of the city. The office works in an interdisciplinary way, i.e. with the involvement of as diverse and useful a range of knowledge and perspectives as possible in addressing complex city issues.
The aim of the participatory process is to identify needs, to improve the quality of the plans adopted, but also to strengthen the public's relationship with the city and specific spaces. The Participatory Planning Office seeks to involve a wide range of people, including groups that are not heard in conventional planning, especially women, children, the elderly, people with specific needs, foreigners and others. Participatory planning is a cross-cutting discipline in which contemporary megatrends such as climate change and social inequalities resonate strongly.
The office also systematizes knowledge on participatory planning and their implementation in planning practice.