The Spatial Planning Section is responsible for planning the city's spatial development. It prepares the city's master plan and its updates and works on the development of spatial planning methodologies for the specific needs of the city. The department also works on urban studies and collaborates on other conceptual and strategic materials of the city.
It regularly monitors and evaluates the condition of the area or the state of individual functional systems.
It produces spatial data for the spatial planning area in the geographical information system. In cooperation with the Municipality's departments, this department prepares a spatial-analytical foundation with the working title atlas5000 Bratislava, which would make data from various areas available to users in a transparent way.
It also provides consultancy activities on specifications, processed spatial planning documents and documentation processed by other entities for the metropolitan area and the adjacent region, including the preparation of opinions on these specifications and documents.
The department monitors and evaluates the intentions of state and EU policy in the field of spatial planning and regional economic and social development. It also monitors legislation in the field of spatial planning.
Employees of this section are listed individually under their departments.