Park on Mudrochova Street
The aim is to revitalize the park on Mudrochova Street and public spaces around the Račan department store and in front of the Municipal office on Kubačova Street in Rača.

Today, if you walk through the park with the cosmic fountain to the local office, you have to cross many barriers and often cross the pavement with parked cars. The revitalization of these spaces is intended to facilitate movement for people going to the office, services or shops. The park is intended to serve as an active public, leisure and recreational zone for short stays of residents and transit for the general public. The priority of the specification is to support the residential function of the local park, to improve and cultivate the existing green areas, to evaluate the existing tree planting, to propose tree treatments and to add new plants. The paved areas and street furniture, which are currently squalid, will also be redesigned to support the character of the park.
We want to know your opinion and experience before we start with space revitalisation. We conducted a mapping of the area and a survey with residents as well as consultation with local councillors. Now we want to hear your views. The suggestions will help as a starting point in revitalization planning.
Cooperation With Municipal Districts
The projects in the city districts are part of the projects for the improvement of public spaces by Bratislava City and the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava. The city aims to improve the quality of roads, sidewalks and public spaces for all Bratislava residents throughout the city.
Architects from Atrium s.r.o., PLURAL s.r.o., Studený architekti s.r.o., who have been chosen from an architectural competition, will work on the projects. Six architectural teams have been chosen from the competition and will work with the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava on the creation and renovation of the city’s public spaces over four years.
This project is part of the Programme for the public space revitalization in Bratislava – Vivid Spaces. It is the first-ever framework for a systematic change of the public space of the capital on several levels. The scheme is implemented in cooperation with the capital city and the city districts.