Main Railway Station
The future comprehensive architectural competition for the Main Railway Station and the adjacent area is to provide the best possible solution for the restoration of the key gateway to the capital.

In October 2021, the Capital City of Bratislava together with the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava presented to the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Railways (ŽSR) the basic materials for a joint urban-architectural competition for the main train station and its surroundings.
In February 2022, the key actors signed the Memorandum of Cooperation.
The MIB, together with the Capital City, is assisting the state and state companies so that the process can begin as quickly as possible to bring about a new look for the main train station and its surroundings. MIB is also a member of the working group and is the professional umbrella for planned urban planning, transport, and architectural competition.
The announcement of the tender is to be preceded by the elaboration of technical documents, analysis of passenger flows, and the investment plan in cooperation with the Ministry and Slovak Railways.

Quick wins to improve the quality of Main Railway Station
Pending the announcement of the competition, the capital is implementing so-called quick wins to improve the quality of the public space in front of the terminal. The most significant change is the removal of the unsatisfactory surface on the station court and its replacement with concrete paving. New furniture such as benches and rubbish bins will be added in front of the station entrance.