Krížna Street
Revitalisation and modernisation of the Ružinov Radial tramway in the section Americké square - Krížna, Old Town

Krížna Street is a hKrížna Street is a thoroughfare with many shops and cafes and several adjacent public spaces – some in use, others neglected. The Krížna revitalization project is related to the modernization of the Ružinov Radial and will address the street “from facade to facade” so that within a few years it will turn into a pleasant boulevard, which people will be happy to walk through or stay on and whose surroundings will be good to live in for families with children, the elderly, as well as for other residents. In addition, the new tram line should reduce noise pollution, and increase the safety and accessibility of public transport.
Currently, Krížna Street is an important transport corridor, used daily by thousands of visitors who travel along with it not only by car but mainly by public transport, on foot and by bicycle.
It is an unpleasant, dusty and overheated area with no green space and difficult conditions for pedestrians and people on bicycles.
For the city to be able to plan responsibly for changes and based on the ideas and needs of the people who use the street, we focused on the opinions of different groups. Activities that involve vulnerable groups and people with mobility and orientation needs are part of the process.
We started the process with area mapping (e.g., analysis of static car traffic), followed by a survey of public opinion through questionnaires (almost 3000 respondents), complemented by in-depth interviews, especially with seniors and people with specific mobility needs. The spectrum of methods is complemented by neighbourhood meetings and a questionnaire survey among the owners of establishments and shops on Krížna Street and in the surrounding area. The final report will document the needs of the different user groups and will be the foundation for the development of the project documentation in the following phases.
Completed activities (January – May 2020)
- research on the parked cars and parking capacity in the area (counting the quantity, photo documentation)
- socio-economic analysis (mapping of the shops and other businesses in the area)
- questionnaire for the public (almost 3,000 responses)
- mapping interviews with typologically varied representatives of the locality (based on age, gender, economic situation and involvement in the locality. Interviews also with senior and disabled residents and their assistants). Due to the pandemic measures the interviews were conducted via phone.
- a detailed questionnaire survey for the businesses (services, shops, public institutions) in the locality (Krížna Street primarily, but also nearby surroundings). This activity followed the previous step – the mapping of the businesses.
- meetings and interviews with senior residents and people with specific needs. Due to the pandemic measures this activity was conducted via phone and online means.
Timeline of the participatory activities on Krížna Street
Research, analysis
February 2020
Questionnaire for the public
February 2020
Mapping interviews
March 2020
Questionnaire for the businesses
May 2020
Local meetings
June to September 2020
Through the means of the participatory process we would like to engage both the general and expert public and based on a joint discussion gather ideas, that would help to revitalize Krížna Street so it becomes a pleasant boulevard for both the residents and visitors.
Krížna Street is an important street that connects the Old Town and New Town city quarters and is a part of the Ružinov radial road. Thousands of people pass through this street on daily basis, either by tram, on foot or by other transportation means. Given the situation prior to the pandemic, the character of the street was changing, the lucrativeness of the quarter was growing, the shops and other businesses in the active ground floor responded to the needs of the residents and the people who work nearby or just walk through by providing a broader offer of products and services. Krížna Street has a high potential to become a pleasant city boulevard with attractive active ground floor, greenery and quality public space for users of all ages, with various specific needs and in various economic situation. We would like the street to become an arterial road for public transport with legal parking spots and a public space with greenery, safe conditions for the children, cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and with various health conditions.
Throughout February 2020 residents could fill out a questionnaire mapping how they perceive the street currently and how would they change it for the future. The questionnaire had almost 3,000 respondents out of which 1,700 provided their contact information either to be informed about further development of the project or to be involved again in further activities. In order to receive data about transportation behaviour, in February we conducted counting of the parked cars on the street and in the surrounding area along with the research of the parking capacity. We also investigated what transportation means residents utilize for various purposes (shopping, commuting to work, leisure, etc.) and for what purposes they use their car and where they park. Later in spring we lead inspiring interviews with senior residents and other people who have various needs related to physical movement and orientation, for example parents with children, people in wheelchairs, with crutches or those who have visual or hearing impairment. The scope of the interviews was to identify the issues these residents have while moving through the city and what qualities should a public space have, given their needs. We have chosen the vulnerable group of residents as a target group, because when the street will be accessible to them, then it will be accessible for everyone. We regularly informed on how to get involved on MIB social media and official webpage.
Once a phase of the participatory process was completed, we have shared the outputs and findings with the working group at the city municipality office, which together with the project architect prepared the project documentation for the Ružinov radial road reconstruction. For example, we shared the data on the number of cars and results of the questionnaire. However, Krížna Street area is limited and the transport corridors (pavements, car lanes, tram route) have to meet certain norms, therefore the experts carefully evaluate the options on how to design the remaining space, so that it serves not only as a means of transit, but also as a residential area meeting the expectations of both the area and city residents to be a pleasant, green and safe space.
Krížna Street is a home for hundreds of residents and thousands of them pass through it or utilize the services it provides. Many of them expressed their opinions in the questionnaires and meetings. Although the street has space limits and therefore not all residents’ expectations can be met, thanks to the ideas and data we have received, we were able to identify the needs that the space should reflect. Our attention was specifically targeted at the needs of those groups that usually do not attend the public hearings, i.e. senior residents, people with specific needs or mothers and fathers with children.

Results of the participatory process – Final report
Report from the participatory process with various groups of residents on formation of the idea on what the quality of the renovation of a street means to us and what should the development of Krížna Street be like.
DownloadActivities in 2022
During the summer, the old asphalt was removed and replaced with concrete paving. 15 mobile planters with greenery and new furniture were added to the sidewalk.
The modernization of Krížna Street is a good example of how other sidewalks in the city center could be widened – diagonal parking was changed to parallel parking, which more than doubled the width of the sidewalk. Better use of space brings new opportunities for widening sidewalks and, in addition to a visually more pleasant street, it also creates a safe space for people with disabilities, seniors, and parents with children.