Footbridge at Partizánska lúka
A wheelchair ramp will lead visitors from the Cesta Mládeže car park through the trees at the level of the originally abandoned footpath.

The attractive and intensively used location of Partizánská lúka still lacks a barrier-free entrance to this part of the forest park.
The entrances to the Partizánska Meadow are currently too steep for a pram or wheelchair, and even slippery on rainy days. Together with the uneven ground, they do not meet the criteria for safe passage. Visitors who cannot take the stairs must therefore go to Partizánska meadow by a detour through Klepáč or from below through Kysucka Street.
Our aim is to make the stay in the forest park as pleasant and easy as possible for all groups of visitors. The barrier-free footbridge will lead from the car park under the Red Bridge through the trees over Vydrica, and will lead out to Partizánska meadow. It will provide a safe passage, and at the same time visitors will be able to enjoy nature from a different perspective.
This project is part of the Programme for the public space revitalization in Bratislava – Vivid Spaces. It is the first-ever framework for a systematic change of the public space of the capital on several levels.
The project is realized in cooperation with the capital city, the City Forests in Bratislava and the architectural studio plusminusarchitects.