Bratislava’s Street Furniture: New Benches, Bins and Cycle Stands to Improve Public Spaces
Authorization processes
Completed projects
Bratislava's public spaces will get new modern street furniture: benches, bins and cycle stands. The new bench with a functional design was acquired by the city of Bratislava (HLMBA) and the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava thanks to the cooperation with the city of Prague

Functional and quality street furniture was created by prominent Czech designers Michal Froněk and Jan Němec. They succeeded in the competition by the Prague Institute of Planning and Development (IPR Prague).
There are now nearly 800 benches of around 20 different types in the city’s management. The most common is the bench in the conservation area, the so-called Vienna-type bench. The entire conservation area is a zone using only this one type of bench.
Bratislava plans to procure and deploy 1,000 benches between 2020 and 2022. They will be planted according to MIB’s principles and standards in new and revitalised public spaces, often a part of the Living Spaces project.
More about the bench: Bratislava Will Have a Czechoslovak Bench