Public Spaces Manual
The manual is a tool that improves the standard of public spaces by setting out an overall vision and principles for their development, renewal, and creation.
The Public Spaces Manual is a document that responds to a long-neglected topic. Bratislava is aware of the importance of public spaces and their impact on the quality of life. The aim of the document is not to set out legislative frameworks but to enable improvements to be made to the status quo. The development of the document is a long-term and continuous process that responds to changing needs, incorporating feedback and aligning with new city documents.
The manual intends to help search for ideas on the development and renovation of public spaces. It should also be a tool in building the identity of the city by reviving traditions, historical traces, and legacies in the public space. In the creation of public spaces, the emphasis is put on original and intelligent solutions that contribute to the character of the city through new attractive elements in focal and reference locations. The manual is a set of measures that support the development of a healthy and climate-resilient city. All these measures take into account the cultural-historical, social, economic and natural-landscape context of the city.
The manual aims to standardize and thus simplify some procedures in the creation or reconstruction of public space.
- It should provide a methodological guide of sample solutions.
- It is intended to facilitate the work of planners when designing or municipalities when approving.
- It is supposed to save time and money.
For the purpose of flexibility, the manual is divided into two separate parts: Manifest, Principles, and Standards. These documents are part of the comprehensive Public Spaces Manual package. The Manifest is the first, introductory part, which deals with the vision for the development of public spaces.

The document is based on the city’s basic development materials, which, however, do not pay deeper attention to the topic of public spaces. The function of the manifest is not to replace existing documents, but to naturally complement them and be part of an overall vision for the city.