Kamzík Lookout
The revitalization intends to create a safe, interconnected environment highlighting its natural qualities and unique atmosphere. Within the area, paved areas will be reduced and replaced with water-permeable surfaces, new footbridges will be added, connected to the starting point of the new public transport stop.

We will improve the environment by removing visual pollution, barriers, rearranging elements and creating a central waste storage area. We shall install a new information system, street furniture and lighting. The proposal will also bring a new sensitively located multifunctional building, which will serve for occasional sports and cultural programmes, as well as refreshments. The popular recreational area will thus create a better and safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists.
This project is part of the Bratislava Public Spaces Renewal Scheme – Living Spaces. It is the first-ever framework for a systematic change of the public space of the capital on several levels. The scheme is implemented in cooperation with the capital city and the city districts.